Generative AI解释

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Generative AI解释


Generative AI解释




Generative AI可以被认为是一种机器学习模型,它被训练来创建新数据,而不是对特定数据集进行预测。生成性人工智能系统是一个学习生成更多看起来像训练数据的对象的系统。

“当涉及到生成性人工和其他类型人工智能的实际机制时,区别可能有点模糊。通常,相同的算法可以用于两者,”Phillip Isola说,麻省理工学院电气工程和计算机科学副教授,计算机科学和人工智能实验室(CSAIL)成员



在文本预测中,马尔可夫模型通过查看前一个单词或前几个单词来生成句子中的下一个单词。但麻省理工学院电气工程和计算机科学托马斯·西贝尔教授Tommi Jaakkola表示,由于这些简单的模型只能追溯那么远,它们不善于生成看似合理的文本。他也是CSAIL和数据、系统和社会研究所(IDSS)的成员









These are only a few of many approaches that can be used for generative AI.

A range of applications

What all of these approaches have in common is that they convert inputs into a set of tokens, which are numerical representations of chunks of data. As long as your data can be converted into this standard, token format, then in theory, you could apply these methods to generate new data that look similar.

"Your mileage might vary, depending on how noisy your data are and how difficult the signal is to extract, but it is really getting closer to the way a general-purpose CPU can take in any kind of data and start processing it in a unified way," Isola says.

This opens up a huge array of applications for generative AI.

For instance, Isola's group is using generative AI to create synthetic image data that could be used to train another intelligent system, such as by teaching a computer vision model how to recognize objects.

Jaakkola's group is using generative AI to design novel protein structures or valid crystal structures that specify new materials. The same way a generative model learns the dependencies of language, if it's shown crystal structures instead, it can learn the relationships that make structures stable and realizable, he explains.

But while generative models can achieve incredible results, they aren't the best choice for all types of data. For tasks that involve making predictions on structured data, like the tabular data in a spreadsheet, generative AI models tend to be outperformed by traditional machine-learning methods, says Devavrat Shah, the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and a member of IDSS and of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems.

"The highest value they have, in my mind, is to become this terrific interface to machines that are human friendly. Previously, humans had to talk to machines in the language of machines to make things happen. Now, this interface has figured out how to talk to both humans and machines," says Shah.

Raising red flags

Generative AI chatbots are now being used in call centers to field questions from human customers, but this application underscores one potential red flag of implementing these models—worker displacement.

In addition, generative AI can inherit and proliferate biases that exist in training data, or amplify hate speech and false statements. The models have the capacity to plagiarize, and can generate content that looks like it was produced by a specific human creator, raising potential copyright issues.

On the other side, Shah proposes that generative AI could empower artists, who could use generative tools to help them make creative content they might not otherwise have the means to produce.

In the future, he sees generative AI changing the economics in many disciplines.

One promising future direction Isola sees for generative AI is its use for fabrication. Instead of having a model make an image of a chair, perhaps it could generate a plan for a chair that could be produced.

He also sees future uses for generative AI systems in developing more generally intelligent AI agents.

"There are differences in how these models work and how we think the human brain works, but I think there are also similarities. We have the ability to think and dream in our heads, to come up with interesting ideas or plans, and I think generative AI is one of the tools that will empower agents to do that, as well," Isola says.

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