合著者、剑桥大学精神病学系的Duncan Astle教授说,“这种简单的约束-很难将与人工系统相距甚远的节点连接起来,以产生一些相当复杂的特征。有趣的是,它们是像人类大脑这样的生物系统所共有的特征。我认为这告诉我们一些关于为什么我们的大脑是这样组织的基本信息。”。“了解人类大脑
More surprising, however, was that the response profiles of individual nodes themselves began to change: in other words, rather than having a system where each node codes for one particular property of the maze task, like the goal location or the next choice, nodes developed a 'flexible coding scheme.' This means that at different moments in time nodes might be firing for a mix of the properties of the maze. For instance, the same node might be able to encode multiple locations of a maze, rather than needing specialized nodes for encoding specific locations. This is another feature seen in the brains of complex organisms.
Co-author Professor Duncan Astle, from Cambridge's Department of Psychiatry, said, "This simple constraint—it's harder to wire nodes that are far apart—forces artificial systems to produce some quite complicated characteristics. Interestingly, they are characteristics shared by biological systems like the human brain. I think that tells us something fundamental about why our brains are organized the way they are."
Understanding the human brain
The team is hopeful that their AI system could begin to shed light on how these constraints, shape differences between people's brains, and contribute to differences seen in those that experience cognitive or mental health difficulties.
Co-author Professor John Duncan from the MRC CBSU said, "These artificial brains give us a way to understand the rich and bewildering data we see when the activity of real neurons is recorded in real brains."
Achterberg added, "Artificial 'brains' allow us to ask questions that it would be impossible to look at in an actual biological system. We can train the system to perform tasks and then play around experimentally with the constraints we impose, to see if it begins to look more like the brains of particular individuals."
Implications for designing future AI systems
The findings are likely to be of interest to the AI community, too, where they could allow for the development of more efficient systems, particularly in situations where there are likely to be physical constraints.
Dr. Akarca said, "AI researchers are constantly trying to work out how to make complex, neural systems that can encode and perform in a flexible way that is efficient. To achieve this, we think that neurobiology will give us a lot of inspiration. For example, the overall wiring cost of the system we've created is much lower than you would find in a typical AI system."
Many modern AI solutions involve using architectures that only superficially resemble a brain. The researchers say their work shows that the type of problem the AI is solving will influence which architecture is the most powerful to use.
Achterberg said, "If you want to build an artificially-intelligent system that solves similar problems to humans, then ultimately the system will end up looking much closer to an actual brain than systems running on large compute clusters that specialize in very different tasks to those carried out by humans. The architecture and structure we see in our artificial 'brain' is there because it is beneficial for handling the specific brain-like challenges it faces."
This means that robots that have to process a large amount of constantly changing information with finite energetic resources could benefit from having brain structures not dissimilar to ours.
Achterberg added, "Brains of robots that are deployed in the real physical world are probably going to look more like our brains because they might face the same challenges as us."
"They need to constantly process new information coming in through their sensors while controlling their bodies to move through space towards a goal. Many systems will need to run all their computations with a limited supply of electric energy and so, to balance these energetic constraints with the amount of information it needs to process, it will probably need a brain structure similar to ours."